South America Airport Feeds |
SACO TMA (Archives) Cordoba, Argentina
Feed Status: UP
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![Click here to listen to SACO TMA with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SACO 131600Z VRB02KT 9999 BKN028 26/20 Q1018 NOSIG
SACO Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Cordoba TMA: 119.100
SACO Tower (Archives) Cordoba, Argentina
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SACO Tower in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SACO Tower with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SACO 131600Z VRB02KT 9999 BKN028 26/20 Q1018 NOSIG
SACO Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 6
out of 2484
total | Cordoba Tower: 118.300
SACO Tower (Aux 1) (Archives) Cordoba, Argentina
Feed Status: UP
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![Click here to listen to SACO Tower (Aux 1) with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SACO 131600Z VRB02KT 9999 BKN028 26/20 Q1018 NOSIG
SACO Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Cordoba Tower (Aux 1): 118.550
SACO Tower (Aux 2) (Archives) Cordoba, Argentina
Feed Status: UP
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![Click here to listen to SACO Tower (Aux 2) with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SACO 131600Z VRB02KT 9999 BKN028 26/20 Q1018 NOSIG
SACO Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Cordoba Tower (Aux 2): 119.450
SADL Misc (Archives) La Plata, Argentina
Feed Status: UP
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SADL Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Air to Air: 123.450 Chascomus: 123.200 Emergency/Guard: 121.500 General: 123.500 La Plata: 119.300 Lobos: 123.300 Planeadores: 123.000 Punta Indio: 130.800 Quilmes: 122.200
SANT Tower/Apps Tucuman, Argentina
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2025-02-04 19:10:40 UTC
SANT 131600Z VRB02KT 5000 -RA BR SCT010 BKN012 OVC015 23/20 Q1018
| Aeroclub Tucuman: 119.000 Aerolineas Argentinas SOC Salta: 131.100 Aerolineas Argentinas SOC Tucuman: 131.950 Air To Air: 123.450 Andes Lineas Aereas: 132.000 Campo Arenal: 130.950 Catamarca Tower: 118.150 Copa Airlines: 129.400 Cordoba Centro Norte: 125.100 Cordoba Centro Sur: 126.500 Emergency/Guard: 121.500 Lan Argentina Operaciones: 131.700 Lan Peru: 131.300 Salta Tower: 128.850 Santiago del Estero Tower: 118.700 Taca Peru: 126.450 Termas de Rio Hondo: 118.200 Termas de Rio Hondo: 119.850 Tucuman Ground: 121.750 Tucuman Ground: 121.750 Tucuman Tower: 118.350 Tucuman Tower: 119.500
SASA Twr/App Salta, Argentina
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2025-02-13 16:10:06 UTC
SASA 131600Z 21005KT 170V270 9999 FEW013 SCT031 BKN170 22/19 Q1021
| Cordoba Approach (North): 128.250 Salta Approach: 124.600 Salta Tower: 126.000 Salta Tower/Ground: 128.850
SAZN Tower Neuquen, Argentina
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2025-02-13 01:40:05 UTC
SAZN 131700Z 11009KT CAVOK 29/10 Q1013
| Neuquen Tower/Approach: 119.800
SAZS Gnd/Twr/App (Archives) Rio Negro, Argentina
Feed Status: UP
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![Click here to listen to SAZS Gnd/Twr/App with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SAZS 131600Z VRB04KT CAVOK 23/M03 Q1017
SAZS Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 3
out of 2484
total | Bariloche Twr/App: 119.100 Comodoro Rivadavia Control: 125.500 Ezeiza South: 125.200
SBAR Twr/App (Archives) Aracaju, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBAR Twr/App in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBAR Twr/App with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBAR 131700Z 13014KT 9999 SCT023 30/24 Q1012
SBAR Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Santa Maria Approach: 120.300 Santa Maria Tower: 118.800
SBBE Twr/App/SBAZ (Archives) Belem, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBBE Twr/App/SBAZ in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBBE Twr/App/SBAZ with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBBE 131700Z 34007KT 9999 SCT027 SCT100 29/24 Q1011
SBBE Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 2
out of 2484
total | Amazonica FIR (SBAZ): 126.500 Amazonica FIR (SBAZ): 128.000 Amazonica FIR (SBAZ): 123.950 Amazonica FIR (SBAZ): 126.150 Amazonica FIR (SBAZ): 126.650 Amazonica FIR (SBAZ): 133.700 Belem Approach: 119.050 Belem Approach: 119.500 Belem Tower: 118.700
SBBR Approach (Archives) Brasilia, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBBR Approach in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBBR Approach with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBBR 131700Z 09006KT 040V140 9999 SCT045 29/16 Q1018
SBBR Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 3
out of 2484
total | Brasilia Approach: 120.650 Brasilia Approach: 129.150 Brasilia Approach: 129.600 Brasilia Approach (Final): 119.200 Brasilia Departure: 119.500 Brasilia Departure: 119.700
SBBR Ground (Archives) Brasilia, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBBR Ground in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBBR Ground with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBBR 131700Z 09006KT 040V140 9999 SCT045 29/16 Q1018
SBBR Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Brasilia Ground: 121.950 Brasilia Ground: 121.800
SBBR Tower (Archives) Brasilia, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBBR Tower in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBBR Tower with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBBR 131700Z 09006KT 040V140 9999 SCT045 29/16 Q1018
SBBR Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Brasilia Tower: 118.100 Brasilia Tower: 181.750 Brasilia Tower: 118.450
SBBV Tower/Approach (Archives) Boa Vista, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
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![Click here to listen to SBBV Tower/Approach with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBBV 131700Z 10011KT 9999 VCSH BKN035 FEW040TCU BKN090 30/21 Q1012
SBBV Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Boa Vista Approach: 120.100 Boa Vista Tower: 118.100
SBCT Gnd/Twr/App (Archives) Curitiba, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBCT Gnd/Twr/App in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBCT Gnd/Twr/App with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBCT 131700Z 25010KT 9999 SCT045 BKN100 29/17 Q1017
SBCT Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Curitiba Approach: 119.950 Curitiba Ground: 121.900 Curitiba Tower: 118.150 Curitiba Tower: 118.900
SBEG Tower/App (Archives) Manaus, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBEG Tower/App in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBEG Tower/App with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBEG 131700Z 08012KT 9999 2500E SHRA SCT025 FEW030TCU SCT100 31/23 Q1012
SBEG Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 2
out of 2484
total | Emergency/Guard: 121.500 Manaus Approach
: 119.250 Manaus Approach: 120.400 Manaus Approach: 119.700 Manaus Tower: 118.300
SBFZ Gnd/Twr/App (Archives) Fortaleza, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBFZ Gnd/Twr/App in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBFZ Gnd/Twr/App with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBFZ 131700Z 10013KT 9999 SCT027 FEW030TCU 30/24 Q1010
SBFZ Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 2
out of 2484
total | Ait to Air: 123.450 Ait to Air: 123.400 Fortaleza Approach: 133.000 Fortaleza Approach (backup): 134.550 Fortaleza Ground: 121.950 Fortaleza Tower: 129.000
SBFZ Twr/App/Center (Archives) Fortaleza, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBFZ Twr/App/Center in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBFZ Twr/App/Center with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBFZ 131700Z 10013KT 9999 SCT027 FEW030TCU 30/24 Q1010
SBFZ Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 3
out of 2484
total | ACC-RE (Fortaleza Sector): 125.150 ACC-RE (Fortaleza Sector): 126.350 ACC-RE (Fortaleza Sector): 135.250 Fortaleza Approach: 133.000 Fortaleza Tower: 129.000
SBGO Gnd/Twr/App (Archives) Goiania, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBGO Gnd/Twr/App in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBGO Gnd/Twr/App with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBGO 131700Z 10012KT 9999 4000S SHRA FEW013 BKN040 SCT053TCU BKN100 26/20 Q1017
SBGO Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Anapolis Approach: 119.150 Anapolis Approach: 120.550 Anapolis Approach: 133.000 Anapolis Approach: 129.450 Emergency/Guard: 121.500 Goiania Ground: 121.700 Goiania Tower: 118.700 Goiania Tower: 121.050
SBWL Control (Archives) Ilheus, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBWL Control in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBWL Control with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBIL 131600Z 16008KT 9999 SCT025 30/25 Q1014
SBIL Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Comandatuba Radio: 130.250 Ilheus Control: 120.100 Recife Center Sector 11: 123.800 Recife Center Sector 13: 133.025 Recife Center Sector 14: 135.300 Self Coordination Frequency (Air to Air): 123.450
SBIZ Info (Archives) Imperatriz, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBIZ Info in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBIZ Info with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBIZ 131600Z 10005KT 9999 BKN025 31/24 Q1012
SBIZ Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Imperatriz Info: 125.650
SBJP Tower Joao Pessoa, Brazil
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2025-02-12 14:50:40 UTC
SBJP 131700Z 11014KT 9999 BKN030 31/23 Q1012
| Joao Pessoa Tower: 118.300
SBJP Twr/Control/Airlines Joao Pessoa, Brazil
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2024-07-06 21:38:39 UTC
SBJP 131700Z 11014KT 9999 BKN030 31/23 Q1012
| AZUL: 130.900 GOL: 131.225 Joao Pessoa Tower: 118.300 Recife Control: 119.500 TAM: 130.500
SBJU Tower/Center (Archives) Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBJU Tower/Center in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBJU Tower/Center with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBJU 131600Z 10009KT 9999 FEW022 33/19 Q1013
SBJU Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Pilot-to-Pilot: 123.450 Radio Juazeiro: 131.750 Recife Center: 135.250 Recife Center: 125.150
SBKP Tower #2 (Archives) Campinas, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBKP Tower #2 in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBKP Tower #2 with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBKP 131700Z 07012G25KT 7000 2100SE TSRA BKN040 FEW042CB 31/19 Q1016
SBKP Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 7
out of 2484
total | Campinas Tower: 118.250
SBLO Twr/App/Center (Archives) Londrina, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBLO Twr/App/Center in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBLO Twr/App/Center with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBLO 131700Z 26005KT 9999 3000SE SHRA SCT025 FEW045TCU 31/20 Q1015
SBLO Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 2
out of 2484
total | Curitiba Center: 128.350 Curitiba Center: 135.100 Curitiba Center: 125.800 Curitiba Center: 126.950 Emergency/Guard: 121.500 Londrina Approach: 129.700 Londrina Tower: 118.400 UNICOM: 123.450
SBMG Twr/App (Archives) Maringa, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBMG Twr/App in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBMG Twr/App with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBMG 131600Z 27010KT 9999 BKN040 30/20 Q1015
SBMG Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 5
out of 2484
total | Londrina Approach: 129.700 Maringa Tower: 118.750 UNICOM: 123.450
SBMK RDO/Center Montes Claros, Brazil
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2025-02-11 02:52:06 UTC
| Air to Air: 123.450 Azul Coordination: 131.875 Brasilia Center (Sector 01): 127.300 GOL Coordination: 131.225 Montes Claros RDO: 131.700
SBMO Tower (Archives) Maceio, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBMO Tower in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBMO Tower with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBMO 131700Z 10012KT 9999 SCT036 30/20 Q1013
SBMO Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Maceio Tower: 118.000
SBMQ Tower/App/Center (Archives) Macapa, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
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![Click here to listen to SBMQ Tower/App/Center with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBMQ 131700Z 10007KT 050V150 9999 VCSH BKN019 FEW040TCU SCT070 30/25 Q1011
SBMQ Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Amazonico Center: 123.950 Amazonico Center: 128.000 Macapa Approach: 119.000 Macapa Tower: 118.000
SBPA Gnd/Twr/App/Center (Archives) Porto Alegre, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBPA Gnd/Twr/App/Center in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBPA Gnd/Twr/App/Center with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBPA 131700Z 29005KT 190V340 9999 VCSH SCT018 FEW040TCU SCT090 28/23 Q1014
SBPA Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 5
out of 2484
total | BACO (Canoas) Ground: 121.700 BACO (Canoas) Tower: 118.500 BACO (Canoas) Tower (Mil): 122.800 Curitiba Center (Sector 1/South SBPA): 126.750 Curitiba Center (Sector 1/South SBPA): 127.400 Curitiba Center (Sector 2): 123.725 Curitiba Center (Sector 2): 135.900 Curitiba Center (Sector 3/West SBFL): 127.500 Curitiba Center (Sector 3/West SBFL): 126.100 Curitiba Center (Sector 4/South SBFL): 135.850 Curitiba Center (Sector 4/South SBFL): 128.450 Curitiba Center (Sector 5/East SBCT): 124.400 Curitiba Center (Sector 5/East SBCT): 125.400 Curitiba Center (Sector 6/East SBCT Atlantico): 128.400 Curitiba Center (Sector 6/East SBCT Atlantico): 127.050 Curitiba Center (Sector 9/North SBCT): 132.800 Curitiba Center (Sector 9/North SBCT): 126.500 Emergency/Guard: 121.500 Porto Alegre Approach Sector 1: 120.100 Porto Alegre Approach Sector 2: 120.550 Porto Alegre Approach Sector 3: 128.900 Porto Alegre Approach Sector 4: 119.000 Salgado Filho Ground: 121.900 Salgado Filho Tower: 118.100
SBPB Info Parnaiba, Brazil
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2025-02-11 04:49:22 UTC
SBPB 131700Z 12012KT 9999 SCT020 SCT100 30/25 Q1010
| Parnaiba Info: 126.600
SBPL RDO/ACC (Archives) Petrolina, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
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![Click here to listen to SBPL RDO/ACC with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBPL 131700Z 19007KT 9999 FEW030 34/17 Q1012
SBPL Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | ACC RE Sector 5: 127.500 ACC RE Sector 5: 128.450 ACC RE Sector 6: 125.400 ACC RE Sector 6: 134.900 Air to Air/UNICOM: 123.450 Emergency/Guard: 121.500 Misc: 123.400 Petrolina RDO: 125.700 Recife FIS: 123.625
SBRF App 129.60 (Archives) Recife, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBRF App 129.60 in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBRF App 129.60 with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBRF 131700Z 15014KT 9999 FEW025 30/23 Q1012
SBRF Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 5
out of 2484
total | Recife Approach: 129.600
SBRF Gol Ops (Archives) Recife, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBRF Gol Ops in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBRF Gol Ops with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBRF 131700Z 15014KT 9999 FEW025 30/23 Q1012
SBRF Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Gol Ops: 131.225
SBRF Ground Recife, Brazil
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2025-02-13 15:31:23 UTC
SBRF 131700Z 15014KT 9999 FEW025 30/23 Q1012
| Recife Ground: 121.850
SBRF LATAM Ops (Archives) Recife, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
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![Click here to listen to SBRF LATAM Ops with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBRF 131700Z 15014KT 9999 FEW025 30/23 Q1012
SBRF Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | LATAM Ops: 130.500
SBRF Recife ACC (Archives) Recife, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBRF Recife ACC in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBRF Recife ACC with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBRF 131700Z 15014KT 9999 FEW025 30/23 Q1012
SBRF Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Recife Center: 128.700 Recife Center: 133.650 Recife Center: 134.800
SBRF Tower (Archives) Recife, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBRF Tower in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBRF Tower with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBRF 131700Z 15014KT 9999 FEW025 30/23 Q1012
SBRF Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 4
out of 2484
total | Recife Tower: 125.250 Recife Tower: 118.350 Recife Tower: 118.900
SBSG Gnd/Twr/App (Archives) Sao Goncalo do Amarante, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBSG Gnd/Twr/App in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBSG Gnd/Twr/App with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBSG 131700Z 12010KT 090V180 9999 SCT030 30/22 Q1011
SBSG Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Free (Air to Air): 123.450 Natal Approach: 119.650 Natal Ground: 121.700 Natal Tower: 118.200
SBSL Twr/App/FIR Sao Luis, Brazil
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2024-11-29 23:37:22 UTC
SBSL 131700Z 11013KT 1000 R06/1000D +TSRA BKN015 FEW025CB 24/23 Q1011
| Amazonica Center: 133.700 Sao Luis Approach: 119.100 Sao Luis Tower: 118.900
SBSN Twr/App/ACC (Archives) Santarem, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBSN Twr/App/ACC in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBSN Twr/App/ACC with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBSN 131700Z 14011KT 9999 FEW020 BKN100 30/24 Q1011
SBSN Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Brasilia Center/ACC: 123.650 Brasilia Center/ACC: 125.050 Santarem Approach: 119.300 Santarem Tower: 118.100
SBSR AFIS/App/Center (Archives) Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBSR AFIS/App/Center in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBSR AFIS/App/Center with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBSR 131600Z 32003KT 9999 SCT030 BKN090 29/20 Q1017
SBSR Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 2
out of 2484
total | Academia Approach (North Sector): 119.750 Academia Approach (North Sector): 120.400 Brasilia Center: 135.150 Rio Preto Radio AFIS: 130.850
SBTE Twr/App (Archives) Teresina, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBTE Twr/App in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBTE Twr/App with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBTE 131700Z 15005KT 090V180 9999 BKN020 32/22 Q1009
SBTE Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Teresina Approach: 119.600 Teresina Tower: 118.800
SBRE Recife ACC (Archives) Paulo Afonso, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBRE Recife ACC in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBRE Recife ACC with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBRE Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Recife Center (ACC): 125.400 Recife Center (ACC): 125.450 Recife Center (ACC): 126.850 Recife Center (ACC): 133.650 Recife Center (ACC): 134.500 Recife Center (ACC): 134.900
SBUF AFIS/Center (Archives) Paulo Afonso, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBUF AFIS/Center in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBUF AFIS/Center with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBUF 131600Z 10012KT 9999 SCT022 33/18 Q1013
SBUF Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Paulo Afonso Radio: 125.850 Recife Center: 133.650 Recife Center: 134.500 Recife Center: 125.450
SBQV AFIS Vitoria da Conquista, Brazil
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2023-09-11 01:59:23 UTC
| Conquista AFIS: 130.850 Despacho Azul: 131.875 Despacho Passaredo: 132.000
SBVT Tower/Approach (Archives) Vitoria, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SBVT Tower/Approach in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SBVT Tower/Approach with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SBVT 131700Z 06013KT 9999 FEW040 32/23 Q1013
SBVT Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | SBVT Control Approach: 119.850 SBVT Tower: 118.100
SCEL Gnd/Twr/Radar (Archives) Santiago, Chile
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SCEL Gnd/Twr/Radar in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SCEL Gnd/Twr/Radar with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SCEL 131700Z 17010KT 130V200 CAVOK 31/05 Q1015 NOSIG
SCEL Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 6
out of 2484
total | Santiago Authorizations: 121.700 Santiago Control (Lat 3323S North): 128.100 Santiago Control (Lat 3323S South): 126.300 Santiago Ground (Primary): 122.200 Santiago Ground (Secondary): 122.500 Santiago Radar: 125.400 Santiago Radar: 135.400 Santiago Radar (Arrival, Primary): 129.700 Santiago Radar (Arrival, Secondary): 119.700 Santiago Radar (Arrival, Secondary): 123.800 Santiago Radar (Departure, Primary): 121.100 Santiago Radar (Departure, Secondary): 123.800 Santiago Radar (Information, Primary): 122.400 Santiago Radar (Information, Secondary): 120.800 Santiago Radar (Information, Secondary): 123.800 Santiago Tower (Primary): 118.100 Santiago Tower (Secondary): 118.350 SCTB Tobalaba Tower: 118.700
SEGU App/Dep/Info (Archives) Guayaquil, Ecuador
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SEGU App/Dep/Info in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SEGU App/Dep/Info with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SEGU 131600Z 15006KT 9999 FEW023 SCT030 BKN100 29/24 Q1012 NOSIG RMK A2989
SEGU Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Guayaquil Approach: 120.700 Guayaquil Approach (Secondary): 119.300 Guayaquil Info: 126.900
SEGU Gnd/Twr (Archives) Guayaquil, Ecuador
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SEGU Gnd/Twr in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SEGU Gnd/Twr with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SEGU 131600Z 15006KT 9999 FEW023 SCT030 BKN100 29/24 Q1012 NOSIG RMK A2989
SEGU Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Guayaquil Ground: 121.900 Guayaquil Ground (Secondary): 121.700 Guayaquil Tower: 118.300 Guayaquil Tower (Secondary): 118.900
SEGU Gnd/Twr/App (Archives) Guayaquil, Ecuador
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SEGU Gnd/Twr/App in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SEGU Gnd/Twr/App with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SEGU 131600Z 15006KT 9999 FEW023 SCT030 BKN100 29/24 Q1012 NOSIG RMK A2989
SEGU Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Guayaquil Approach: 120.700 Guayaquil Ground: 121.900 Guayaquil Tower: 118.300
SEGU Guayaquil Center (Archives) Guayaquil, Ecuador
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SEGU Guayaquil Center in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SEGU Guayaquil Center with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SEGU 131600Z 15006KT 9999 FEW023 SCT030 BKN100 29/24 Q1012 NOSIG RMK A2989
SEGU Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Guayaquil Center: 127.950 Guayaquil Center: 128.300 Guayaquil Center (Secondary): 128.000 Guayaquil Center (Secondary): 123.900
SMZO Tower (Archives) Paramaribo, Suriname
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SMZO Tower in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SMZO Tower with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SMZO 131600Z 12008KT 9000 -SHRA SCT012 30/23 Q1013 NOSIG
SMZO Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Zorg en Hoop Tower: 120.100
SNRZ Area Oliveira, Brazil
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2025-01-08 23:49:23 UTC
| Azul: 130.900 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 133.450 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 135.550 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 126.150 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 126.800 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 125.050 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 126.500 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 122.650 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 126.550 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 123.350 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 124.750 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 134.750 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 133.600 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 124.800 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 124.250 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 127.300 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 127.000 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 124.250 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 127.300 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 127.000 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 133.450 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 135.550 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 126.150 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 126.800 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 125.050 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 126.500 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 122.650 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 126.550 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 123.350 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 124.750 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 134.750 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 133.600 Brasilia ACC-BS (Air Control Center): 124.800 Curitiba ACC-CW: 126.500 Curitiba ACC-CW: 134.750 Curitiba ACC-CW: 124.000 Curitiba ACC-CW: 125.350 Emergency: 121.500 Emergency: 121.500 GOL Coordination: 131.225 TAM Coordination: 130.500 TAM Maintenance: 130.600 Trip Coordination: 131.375
SPJC Approach (Archives) Lima, Peru
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SPJC Approach in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SPJC Approach with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SPJC 131700Z 17013KT CAVOK 27/21 Q1011 NOSIG RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY16 PP000
SPJC Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Lima Approach: 119.700
SPJC Ground (Archives) Lima, Peru
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SPJC Ground in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SPJC Ground with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SPJC 131700Z 17013KT CAVOK 27/21 Q1011 NOSIG RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY16 PP000
SPJC Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Lima Ground: 121.900
SPJC Tower (Archives) Lima, Peru
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SPJC Tower in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SPJC Tower with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SPJC 131700Z 17013KT CAVOK 27/21 Q1011 NOSIG RMK BIRD HAZARD RWY16 PP000
SPJC Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Lima Tower: 118.100
SPQU Ground/Tower (Archives) Arequipa, Peru
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SPQU Ground/Tower in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SPQU Ground/Tower with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SPQU 131700Z 25008KT 8000 BCFG BKN006 BKN025 15/13 Q1027 NOSIG RMK PP000
SPQU Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Arequipa Alternate: 118.200 Arequipa Ground: 121.900 Arequipa Tower: 118.700 Emergency/Guard: 121.500
SPQU Misc (Archives) Arequipa, Peru
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SPQU Misc in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SPQU Misc with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SPQU 131700Z 25008KT 8000 BCFG BKN006 BKN025 15/13 Q1027 NOSIG RMK PP000
SPQU Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Emergency/Guard: 121.500 Ilo Tower: 126.900 Iquique ACC: 128.700 Radar Sur-dos: 128.800 Tacna Tower: 118.400
SPST Tower (Archives) Tarapoto, Peru
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SPST Tower in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SPST Tower with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SPST 131700Z 15003KT 9999 FEW015 OVC080 26/23 Q1014 RMK PP000
SPST Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Tarapoto Tower: 118.400
SSBL Air to Air Blumenau, Brazil
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2024-06-02 07:20:05 UTC
| Air to Air: 123.450
SSTE FCA/Air to Air (Archives) Torres, Brazil
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SSTE FCA/Air to Air in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SSTE FCA/Air to Air with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SSTE Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Torres Air to Air: 123.450 Torres FCA (Coordination frequency): 135.450
SUAA Tower (Archives) Montevideo, Uruguay
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SUAA Tower in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SUAA Tower with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SUAA 131700Z 18011KT 9999 FEW028 28/16 Q1017
SUAA Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 5
out of 2484
total | Adami Tower: 118.400 Adami Tower (backup): 122.100 Emergency/Guard: 121.500
SUCM AFIS/SUCA/SADF Twr (Archives) Carmelo, Uruguay
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SUCM AFIS/SUCA/SADF Twr in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SUCM AFIS/SUCA/SADF Twr with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SUCM Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 2
out of 2484
total | Carmelo AFIS: 118.300 Carmelo AFIS (backup): 122.100 Colonia Tower (SUCA): 120.800 San Fernando Tower (SADF): 120.700
SUDU Twr/App/FIR Durazno, Uruguay
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2025-02-11 17:08:06 UTC
SUDU 131700Z 09006KT 9999 FEW030 29/18 Q1017
| Durazno Twr/App: 120.400 Durazno Twr/App: 126.200 Montevideo Control - Centro (Central): 126.300
SUGA Twr/Info Pando, Uruguay
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2025-01-28 01:26:06 UTC
| SUGA Info: 126.200 SUGA Tower: 118.500
SULS Tower (Archives) Punta del Este, Uruguay
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SULS Tower in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SULS Tower with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SULS 131700Z 21012KT 9999 FEW015 27/19 Q1017
SULS Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 3
out of 2484
total | SULS A/G: 122.100 SULS Tower: 118.300
Montevideo Control (Antena Este) (Archives) Montevideo, Uruguay
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to Montevideo Control (Antena Este) in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to Montevideo Control (Antena Este) with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SUMU 131700Z 20010KT 9999 FEW033 27/16 Q1018 NOSIG
SUMU Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 4
out of 2484
total | Montevideo Control: 128.500 Montevideo Control: 126.300
SUMU App/Dep (Archives) Montevideo, Uruguay
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SUMU App/Dep in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SUMU App/Dep with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SUMU 131700Z 20010KT 9999 FEW033 27/16 Q1018 NOSIG
SUMU Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | SUMU Approach: 119.200 SUMU Approach: 120.200 SUMU Control: 128.500
SUMU Twr/App Montevideo, Uruguay
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2025-02-13 17:08:40 UTC
SUMU 131700Z 20010KT 9999 FEW033 27/16 Q1018 NOSIG
| SUMU Approach: 119.200 SUMU Tower: 118.100
SUMU Twr/Info (Archives) Montevideo, Uruguay
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SUMU Twr/Info in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SUMU Twr/Info with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SUMU 131700Z 20010KT 9999 FEW033 27/16 Q1018 NOSIG
SUMU Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 3
out of 2484
total | SUMU Info: 121.800 SUMU Tower: 118.100
SUPE CTAF (Archives) Punta del Este, Uruguay
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SUPE CTAF in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SUPE CTAF with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SULS 131700Z 21012KT 9999 FEW015 27/19 Q1017
SULS Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 3
out of 2484
total | Air to Air: 123.450 SUPE CTAF: 118.700
SUPU AFIS (Archives) Paysandu, Uruguay
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SUPU AFIS in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SUPU AFIS with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SUPU 040900Z 10005KT 9999 FEW020TCU BKN070 FEW200 23/23 Q1010
SUPU Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Paysandu AFIS: 118.200 Paysandu AFIS: 118.700
SURV Tower/Ramp (Archives) Rivera, Uruguay
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SURV Tower/Ramp in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SURV Tower/Ramp with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SURV 131700Z 11005KT 9999 BKN016 27/21 Q1016
SURV Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 2
out of 2484
total | Rivera Flying Club Ops: 118.100 Rivera Ramp/Tower: 118.000 Rivera Ramp/Tower: 122.100
SUSO Tower/Ramp (Archives) Salto, Uruguay
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SUSO Tower/Ramp in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SUSO Tower/Ramp with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SUSO 131700Z 14009KT 9999 BKN027 31/20 Q1015
SUSO Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 2
out of 2484
total |
SVMI/SVZM FIR Maiquetia, Venezuela
Feed Status: DOWN Offline since: 2024-03-23 12:45:22 UTC
| Approach: 120.100 Emergency/Guard: 121.500 Emergency/Guard: 243.000 Maiquetia ACC S135 Aux: 123.800 Maiquetia ACC S246 Aux: 128.100 Maiquetia ACC Sector S1: 128.500 Maiquetia ACC Sector S2: 125.200 Maiquetia ACC Sector S3: 126.600 Maiquetia ACC Sector S4: 126.000 Maiquetia ACC Sector S5: 128.700 Maiquetia ACC Sector S6: 127.950
SVPR Twr/App/FIR (Archives) Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to SVPR Twr/App/FIR in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to SVPR Twr/App/FIR with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
SVPR Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Emergency/Guard: 121.500 FIR 6: 126.000 Guayana Approach (Primary): 119.500 Guayana Approach (Secondary): 120.300 Guayana Tower (Primary): 118.000 Guayana Tower (Secondary): 123.500 SMC: 121.900
TNCA Twr/App/Apron (Archives) Oranjestad, Aruba
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to TNCA Twr/App/Apron in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to TNCA Twr/App/Apron with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
TNCA 131600Z 09022KT 9999 SCT026 29/22 Q1016 NOSIG
TNCA Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 2
out of 2484
total | Beatrix Ground (Apron): 121.600 Beatrix Tower: 118.000 Beatrix Twr/App: 120.900 Emergency/Guard: 121.500 Search/Rescue: 123.100
TNCB ATIS (Archives) Kralendijk, Bonaire
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to TNCB ATIS in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to TNCB ATIS with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
TNCB 131555Z 10016G27KT 060V150 9999 SCT018TCU SCT023 28/22 Q1017
TNCB Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Bonaire ATIS: 132.300
TNCB Tower (Archives) Kralendijk, Bonaire
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to TNCB Tower in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to TNCB Tower with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
TNCB 131555Z 10016G27KT 060V150 9999 SCT018TCU SCT023 28/22 Q1017
TNCB Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 1
out of 2484
total | Bonaire Tower: 118.700
TNCC ATIS (Archives) Willemstad, Curacao
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to TNCC ATIS in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to TNCC ATIS with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
TNCC 131600Z 10011KT 9999 VCSH FEW016TCU 30/24 Q1017 TEMPO 10013KT 6000 SHRA SCT015TCU=
TNCC Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Hato ATIS: 132.600
TNCC Control (Archives) Willemstad, Curacao
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to TNCC Control in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to TNCC Control with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
TNCC 131600Z 10011KT 9999 VCSH FEW016TCU 30/24 Q1017 TEMPO 10013KT 6000 SHRA SCT015TCU=
TNCC Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 5
out of 2484
total | Curacao Control: 124.100 Curacao Control: 127.100
TNCC Terminal (Archives) Willemstad, Curacao
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to TNCC Terminal in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to TNCC Terminal with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
TNCC 131600Z 10011KT 9999 VCSH FEW016TCU 30/24 Q1017 TEMPO 10013KT 6000 SHRA SCT015TCU=
TNCC Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Curacao Terminal (1700-2300Z): 119.800
TNCC Tower (Archives) Willemstad, Curacao
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to TNCC Tower in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to TNCC Tower with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
TNCC 131600Z 10011KT 9999 VCSH FEW016TCU 30/24 Q1017 TEMPO 10013KT 6000 SHRA SCT015TCU=
TNCC Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 2
out of 2484
total | Hato Tower: 118.300
TTCP Gnd/Twr/App (Archives) Scarborough, Trinidad and Tobago
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to TTCP Gnd/Twr/App in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to TTCP Gnd/Twr/App with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
TTCP 131600Z 10014KT 9999 VCSH SCT018 29/22 Q1016 NOSIG RMK VCSH-S/W
TTCP Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 0
out of 2484
total | Piarco Approach: 119.000 Robinson Ground: 121.700 Robinson Tower: 118.400
TTPP Apron/Gnd/Twr (Archives) Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to TTPP Apron/Gnd/Twr in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to TTPP Apron/Gnd/Twr with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
TTPP 131600Z 11015KT 9999 FEW022 SCT030 30/19 Q1015 NOSIG RMK G22KT
TTPP Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 5
out of 2484
total | Piarco Apron: 121.750 Piarco Ground: 121.900 Piarco Tower: 118.100
TTPP Piarco App/Center (Archives) Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Feed Status: UP
![Listen to TTPP Piarco App/Center in your browser - no Flash required Listen in your browser - HTML5 player]( | (in browser, HTML5) |
![Click here to listen to TTPP Piarco App/Center with your own player Click here to listen with your own player]( | (launches your MP3 player) |
TTPP 131600Z 11015KT 9999 FEW022 SCT030 30/19 Q1015 NOSIG RMK G22KT
TTPP Flight Activity (Flightaware)
Listeners: 2
out of 2484
total | Piarco Approach: 119.550 Piarco Approach: 119.000 Piarco Approach (backup): 124.000 Piarco Center: 123.700 Piarco Center (Oceanic): 126.500 Piarco Center (South Sector): 125.400 Piarco Center Oceanic (Backup): 133.100